Why do we need to move towards Predictive maintenance of vehicles in the automotive industry?

As we know we are moving towards Industrial 4.0 and predictive maintenance is playing a vital role in it. Similarly, Automobile industries also started adopting predictive maintenance at a very high scale (Especially Electric Vehicles) to rip benefits of it. Overall it will help & improve the experience of companies and customers drastically.

Why is it Important?

We know that vehicle breakdown & Accidents are rising at a very high pace and it happens because of sudden failure in the system & human errors. It can be solved by using new advanced techniques like predictive maintenance of the vehicle with the Involvement of AI (Artificial intelligence) & ML (Machine Learning).

How will it work?

As we know all vehicles generate a lot of data related to their internal system, performance, efficiency, faults and other useful data. Sensors gathered this Data in real-time.

Generated sensors data is transmitted to the smartphone/logging device via Bluetooth, WIFI, which is then uploaded to the cloud and analyzed for any potential problems & give alerts to the owner via email, SMS, notification, Automated Voice calls about the current requirement of maintenance & Service before a possible breakdown can occur.

Advantages of using predictive maintenance in the automotive industry

  • It  will increase the overall life of the vehicle
  • Helps in saving human life from unexpected accidents.
  • Make things easier for both owners and service providers.
  • Makes Remote monitoring & diagnosis  possible for both owners & OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)
  • Reduce cost on maintenance & Services.
  • Increase the Efficiency of the vehicle.
  • Helps in removing the involvement of third-party service providers which helps in establishing a close relationship between OEM  & Owners because of better service & low cost.
  • Increase the availability of the vehicle.

Steps involved in complete predictive maintenance of vehicles in the automotive industry

Sensors & data collection

The work of sensors is to gather all necessary data from the vehicle and send it to the internal computer or the cloud for further monitoring and Analysis (using encryption).

Monitoring & Analysing

Collected data from vehicle components & hardware is monitored by the internal computer (Control unit) of the vehicle & at cloud platform by using different  AI Algorithms under the observation of experts.

Maintenance forecast

After overall analyzing data. The system generates necessary alerts & reports for the user so that he can take the necessary steps accordingly. Also, the complex software & AI Algorithms calculated the expected life of the components, Batteries, Engine  & recommendations on it.

Schedule Service & maintenance

Timely received information & predictive maintenance technique can save time & money. The Service & maintenance can be planned more effectively and efficiently.

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